Sunday, June 26, 2011

New eyes needed

Hi Everybody,

I came to realize during the week, that if I'm going to do all this fine detail work that I'm going to need new eye glass prescription. I sat down at the bench to start spiking the rails to the bridge deck and even wearing my opti-visor I couldn't focus on the tip of the pliers and the spikes to put them into the pliers and put the spike into the hole in the tie plate.  So yesterday I made an appointment for next week end for an eye exam. But that doesn't mean every thing will come to a screeching halt either. There is a lot to do that doesn't need 20/20 vision. The lighting still needs to be installed. There's more bench work to be built.

During the week I discovered where the CV van is located. It is now at the Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum in Willimantic, CT. So I'll be sending off an email asking for permission to get up close to it for photos and take some measurements.

I bought a Weaver B&O Wagon-top box car yesterday. I started out to buy the Rails Unlimited's Wagon-top boxcar kit. Ted wrote back saying that he has discontinued the car and said the Weaver car was better than his kit. I also read in the new O Scale Trains the review of the car. So a car with a new paint date of 1956 in a new red color rather than the original brown is on it's way. The car is also equipped with a Youngtowns door.

I am going threw all the rolling stock and pulling out cars that were built after Oct 1959. There are some Atlas cabooses, Quality Craft Thrall Door boxcar kits, A "State of Maine"  PS-1 50ft boxcar by Atlas that has to go. Its from the first run of these cars. Plus some other cars, it's all going up on e-bay.

OK that's all there is to report for now.

See ya next time.

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